Earth Hour traditionally takes place in March, however by holding the event in August, we can make use of projects across the business reducing energy usage and use this traditionally quieter time to ensure all of our sites and colleagues are able to participate.
To raise awareness of our environmental impact, we will be sharing the amount of energy saved in comparison to the same period last year with our colleagues, alongside some useful hints and tips on how to reduce consumption going forward.
This will also go hand in hand with our focus on wellbeing, giving our people an extra hour to do something they enjoy.
Adam Thompson, Operations Director said “I was delighted to see Sir David Attenborough receiving one of the biggest cheers at the Glastonbury festival this year. He praised the festival for going ‘single-use plastic’ free this year. I believe that the stand that we as individuals take is always important, but when organisations and businesses do the same, they can have an even bigger impact. Whether that is using less energy, less plastic, wasting less water or even just considering those around us and the impact we have on them - it is time well spent.”
As we continue on our journey towards offering our customers 100% renewable energy solutions by 2040, we recognise that being a responsible business is about more than just looking after the planet. It also means caring for our people and empowering them to make cleaner greener choices.
Read our 2018 Responsible Business Review here.