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15 Energy Efficiency Tips For Winter 

Wondering how to save money when the temperatures drop? We’ve brought together a whole range of winter energy saving tips to help you keep costs down. While each one helps you save a little – together they could help you save a lot. 

Keeping costs down when things get colder

  1. Insulate your home
    Our biggest energy efficiency tip for winter by far. Up to 30% of a home’s heat is lost through the roof. When it comes to energy efficiency, there’s no clear winner. Every product has its own benefits and uses. However, UK Government guidelines recommend a loft insulation depth between 250mm and 270mm. If you can, pop up into your loft and check the depth of your insulation – it could save a lot of heat and money escaping through your roof.

  2. Care for your boiler
    An energy-efficient gas boiler saves you money and hassle. While a regular boiler service keeps your system working at peak efficiency, it can also help technicians spot an issue before it becomes an expensive problem. To find a Gas Safe registered engineer near you, take a look at our LPG Gas Engineer area.

  3. Bleed your radiators
    Trapped air in a radiator really affects how hot it will get. Keeping your radiators well bled allows the hot water to fill the whole interior of the radiator, giving out more heat. And if your radiators are working at their best, your boiler doesn’t have to work so hard – so everything is, even more, energy efficient.

  4. Fit thermostatic valves
    If you want to be super savvy, fit energy-saving thermostatic radiator valves. They’ll help you set an energy-efficient home temperature for each room, so you’re fully in control. As the temperature changes, your radiators come on and off, as needed.

  5. Try the one-degree test
    One of the easiest ways to save money and energy is to turn down the thermostat. By turning down your thermostat setting just 1 degree, you could save up to £80 a year on your heating bill*. Chances are, you won’t physically feel the difference, but it will make a difference to the cost.

  6. Use smart heating controls
    If you’ve got a smart heating control connected to a smartphone or tablet, you can control costs more. Smart features like weather compensation control make things even easier. It works out how long it will take to heat your home based on the temperature outside – keeping you warm without wasting energy.

  7. Best home temperature
    Looking for a great energy-efficient home temperature? The World Health Organisation recommends around 18 to 21 degrees. If fact, 18 degrees is preferred, but you’ll probably need your jumper or cardie on.

  8. Check for draughts
    If cold is coming in, warmth is getting out. Draught proofing is one of the cheapest and most cost-effective ways to save energy – and money – in any type of building. Seal around any small cracks or gaps around doors and windows. To draught-proof doors, fit excluders over letterboxes and at the bottom of internal and external doors to keep all that lovely warmth inside.

  9. Stay kitchen efficient
    Wondering how to save energy in the kitchen? Simply using a pan with the lid on can reduce energy use by a third. Even regular cleaning helps your oven stay more energy efficient. A deep-cleaned oven will reach the right temperature quicker, helping to save energy. It’ll also spread the energy over the whole of the oven better – helping cook your food more evenly too**. Ceramic or glass trays also help save energy as they hold the heat better than metal trays.

  10. Don’t waste hot water
    If you’re making a warm drink, consider how much water needs to be in the kettle every time you boil it and only use what you need. The same goes for bathing. When you shower, try not to run it too long before you get in – and try not to stay in too long either. Spending one minute less in the shower every day, as well as fitting a water-efficient shower, delivers instant energy savings.

  11. Control your lights
    Simply replacing your existing bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs (like LEDs) can make a real difference. Installing dimmer switches doesn’t just help set the right lighting mood, it can help you save on electricity use too.

  12. Work out high users
    Electronic devices can account for 19% of electricity use in a home. But it’s wet appliances like washing machines and dishwashers that really go through the electric. They can be up to 25% of average household electrical use and 15% of total household bills***. Quite simply, the less you use them, the more you’ll save.

  13. Unplug and save
    Have a look around for electric items left on standby. TVs and computers might use less energy on standby, but they’re still using it. Another one to watch is your internet router. If you can, try and switch it off at night too. Being more aware of your devices could save a significant amount of money over the year.

  14. Christmas tips
    Love your Christmas lighting? Try and use energy-saving LED bulbs where you can, or battery-powered fairy lights. And perhaps, don’t go too wild with the outside lightshow – bigger doesn’t have to be better every year.

  15. Try layering up
    One of the simplest ways to stay warmer is to layer up. Popping on a jumper or a hoodie is proven to help warm you up between two and four degrees.


    For more energy-saving tips, take a look at our article on 9 Ways Of Saving Energy At Home. If you're looking to switch to Calor for your home energy or business energy, please get in touch.


    *Stat from the Energy Saving Trust and based on a typical, gas-heated three-bedroom semi home 

