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Calor employee filling an underground gas tank in garden

LPG Tank Inspection

Unsure whether you're due an LPG tank inspection?

When your tank is due a check, we'll let you know and arrange a visit for a time to suit you

Your routine tank check takes 60-mins (at most). You don't even need to be there when we do the check.

Ahead of the check your tank will need to be fully accessible on all sides. Check out our tank siting and safety info for more details.

If you've been contacted and want to arrange a date for your check, or if you need to let us know about any access instructions, please fill in the form below.

If we've not contacted you but you want to speak to us about a tank safety check, get in touch using the form below or give us a call on 0345 605 4500.

LPG Tank Inspection Request Form

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